Thursday, November 12, 2009

Where is the "off button"?

I can't turn it off. My brain, that is. It's pretty late and I can't sleep. I'm fighting a nasty sinus infection and I don't think the antibiotics are working. can't smell or taste a thing. That could be a good thing I suppose. I took some Nyquil and now my throat feels dry and sticky. I need to drink more water. I have hundreds of papers to grade and lesson plans to print out. I wonder if any of my students emailed me tonight... Oh, well. I'll check that in the morning. I just spent an hour blog-hopping and I really should have been putting dishes away and folding the clothes that have been in the dryer for two days. I have no idea where my phone is. It may be in the car but it is cold and rainy outside and I am freezing and that will only make me colder...I worry if we made the right decision to move to Salt Lake. I also wonder if my car will start tomorrow! Hannah is going to her dad's house for the weekend... Maybe I'll just put in some earplugs, warm up the electric blanket and sleep the weekend away!


  1. So we're finally getting little more info. of what you've been up to! When are you going to share it all?!. Hope you kick the sick soon!!!

  2. I have missed you!
    I am so sorry you are sick. That is the pits. the electric blanket thing sounds great. That is my vote!
